I. Design Thinking Process

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that starts with what is desirable from a human point of view, along with what is technologically feasible


  1. Frame a question
  2. Gather inspiration
  3. Generate ideas
  4. Make ideas tangible
  5. Test to learn
  6. Share the story

II. Elements of Design Thinking


  1. Inspiration: Connecting with people to understand their needs
  2. Ideation: Creative thinking and diverging to generate ideas
  3. Experimentation: Prototyping, making tangible, and iterating

III. Strategy Process Map

The strategy process map guides you through the process of creating a winning strategy and helps you avoid getting lost in ambiguity and complexity


  1. Identify the problem
  2. Frame a strategic question
  3. Generate possibilities
  4. Think about what would have to be true
  5. Understand barriers
  6. Conduct tests
  7. Choose a strategic direction

IV. Strategy Stakeholders

When activating strategy, it’s important to collaborate effectively with different stakeholders.


  1. Who are the players that need to be involved?
  2. What role do they need to play?


  1. Core Team: Does the work of strategy
  2. Extended Team: Are critical to bringing the strategy to life
  3. Subject Matter Experts: Hold expertise needed to build, test, or activate the strategy
  4. Sponsors: Must approve the strategy, and their support is important to its success

V. Elements of Strategy Action Plans

Key elements:

  1. Resources: Allocate resources and create financial guardrails
  2. People: Staff teams to have a diverse mix of talent
  3. Information Flows: Leverage internal communications infrastructure to ensure teams have access to the right information
  4. Decision Spaces: Clarify where teams have (or do not have) the ability to make decisions
  5. Measures: Align on what success looks like in the short, medium, and long term

VI. Iceberg Model

In a complex system, solving problems requires considering the whole picture and surfacing the root of the problem.

The iceberg model is a framework for uncovering the layers of a system. It helps you:

  1. Look for patterns over time, starting with what you see
  2. Uncover deeper structural influences
  3. Surface underlying mindsets

VII. Systems Map

Mapping systems can help you spot opportunities for growth and change


  1. Write down every stakeholder in your system on a blank piece of paper. Push yourself to think past the obvious.
  2. Draw arrows between the different parts of your system to identify how they’re connected.
  3. Reflect on what specific areas you want to examine more closely. What questions come up for you? What gaps do you see?

Check out this blog post by IDEO U

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