My personal site live on Firebase. It a PWA (Progressive Web App) that works well on mobile and desktop. Users able to add the 'application' (website actually) to their home screen like those app download from Apple App Store /Google Play.

Under the hood, it JamStack Arch, Source code on Github, Netlify as CMS and Firebase hosting.

Depends on your usecase as website/business owner, PWA offer you one single code base (HTML, Javascript Markdown, API) that works on both Apple and Android device. Reaching out to your market faster without gate keeping from Apple App Store/Google Play.

As a digital analyst building a PWA site, alllows me to know the type of online properties, how they behave and the underlying technology. All these help to inform my work.


Want PWA insights and inspiration straight from experts? From client-side data storage tips to handy open-source toolkits, this year’s PWA Summit has you covered.

Gatsby React, Netlify CMS, Hosted on Firebase, Assembled with by YAP S S